Our Management Team

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Our Team

Since 2001, Taxmart Business Solutions has represented thousands of taxpayers with IRS and State tax issues.

Here are our key employees and tax professionals:

Bernard Arthur
Bernard Arthur

Bernard Arthur, Chief Executive Officer
Taxmart Services

I represents clients before IRS and most state tax agencies. I founded Taxmart Business Solutions in my own compassion, integrity, and being a responsible leader. I specializes in tax case analysis and preparation of IRS and state financial statements, directly with our clients and staff to assist in resolving past tax debt issues. My main focus on taxes is to make sure your my clients ge what belongs to them. That is helping those who are the most vulnerable and are in need, the most unfortunate, and the most destitute among us.

As a State of Georgia Certified Immigration Helper, I will prepare the paperwork to make sure that petitions or applications are completed and filed with USCIS. We won’t rest until you’re completely satisfied

Rabeen Moujalled, Manager @ Boston Massachusetts
Taxmart Services

Rabeen is an all year round enrolled agent and certified by the IRS, he has been able to handle a large load of cases filing individual client tax returns. He is very familiar with the IRS financial statement requirements and has at least 2 years experience.

He is also a specialist in preparing federal and state national tax returns, assembling and analyzing financial information in keeping all our clients information confidential. Moujalled hold an MBA in Business Development.

Bernard Arthur
Rabeen Moujalled
Bernard Arthur
Account Manager

Guadalupe Perez-Patino, Account Manager
Taxmart Services

Mi nombre es Guadalupe Perez soy originario de Ciudad Hidalgo Michoacan, Mexico. Vine a los Estados Unidos en 1990. Vivi 6 dos nietos. Este año me uno al equipo de Taxmart y estare feliz de Termine el doctorado de Contabilidad.

Tengo a mi esposa, tres hijos y años en Chicago y me mude a Atlanta, Georgia a finales del '96. que tengan un exelente dia. poder ayudarles. Espero verlos pronto para conocerlos mejor. Espero

Hakeem Joins Taxmart Business Solutions 2012 with his background and in business and specializes in tax preparation of all IRS forms. He has been with Taxmart Business Solutions since 2012 and works directly with our clients and staff to assist in resolving customer services issues.

Bernard Arthur
Account Manager

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